Unlocking Health with Dr. Jianhua Li

Soothing the Body, Nurturing the Soul

Discover the healing touch of Dr. Jianhua Li, renowned practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. His expertise transforms lives. Experience the power of holistic healthcare at Acuherbs in Stafford.

ServicesMeet Dr. Li

Traditional chinese medicine

Why choose us

Traditional Chinese Medicine - A Path to Harmony and Vitality




Jianhua Li

A trained Chinese medicine practitioner, specializes in pain relief, digestive disorders, stress management, and chronic fatigue.


Unlock the Ancient Wisdom, Embrace Lasting Health



An ancient Chinese therapy using meridians and acupoints, stimulates Qi flow and treats diseases. Needles are inserted into acupoints for 15-30 minutes, with varying manipulations. Treatment frequency and duration depend on the condition.


Tui Na Massage

Massage (Tui Na) is a traditional Chinese therapy that promotes relaxation and overall well-being by relieving muscle tension.It effectively treats pain, inflammation, and sports injuries through gentle manipulations that enhance Qi and blood circulation.


Herbal Medicine

A pillar of Chinese medicine, utilizes a variety of specially formulated herbs to treat specific health conditions. Prescriptions are tailored to the individual. They are effective for common and chronic problems, improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and addressing mental-emotional issues.



About 1 in 7 couples in the UK face fertility issues, affecting 3.5 million people. Many choose Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) like acupuncture and herbs over Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) or after ART failures. TCM improves overall health, enhancing egg and sperm quality, helping more couples conceive.


Cupping therapy

A technique in Traditional Chinese Medicine, uses suction cups on the skin to improve Qi flow, relieve pain, and treat various conditions by dispelling stagnation and promoting circulation.


Ear Candles

Ear candles, typically made of beeswax and essential oils, are used to create a vacuum and remove earwax. This traditional treatment can improve conditions like tinnitus and rebalance ear pressure.

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What we can help


Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks, Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME)


Acne, Herpes,Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Urticaria, Hair loss, Shingles, fungal infections, Alopecia.


Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold and Flu, Cough, Catarrh (Mucus), Hay Fever, Chest Infection, Snoring


Tinnitus, Sinus, Rhinitis, Mouth Ulcer, Sore Throat, Earaches, Otitis, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Halitosis (bad breath)


IBS, Hyper Acid, Bloat, Heart Burn, Indigestion, Colitis, Gastritis, Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Hiccup, Stomach Ulcer, Haemorrhoid (Piles)


Arthritis, Back Pain, Sciatica,Sports Injuries,Sprains, Stiff Neck,Frozen Shoulder,Stroke,Lumbago,Fibromyalgia, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Tennis elbow, Bell’s Palsy, Dizziness, Migraine, Headache, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Neuralgia, Hemiplegia


Losing Weight, High Blood Pressure,High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Thyroid Disorder, Anaemia. Addictions (Smoking/Drinking), Allergic Disorders.


Consultation is free with first treatment

or separate 20 minutes consultation £25

  •  Acupuncture per session £55
  •  Acupuncture with Hot Cupping £65
  •  Acupuncture with 10 minutes Massage £65
  • Acupuncture for Multiple problems or Multi-Joints £65
  •   Fast Acupuncture with 10 minutes Massage £75
  •  Massage (Tuina) 30mins £35
  •  Hot Cupping £35
  •  Herbal Tea per bag £6
  •  Ear Candle Treatment £25
  • 24/7 Support

* First Consultation & Acupuncture Treatment (50-60 Minutes), Follow Ups (40-50 Minutes)

* Fast Acupuncture Excellent results, ALMOST INSTANT Pain Relief on: Severe pain caused by acute sprain/injury such as tendons and ligaments, Acute muscular sprain, such as neck and shoulder pain, back pain, TMJ, Neuralgia: Sciatica (trap nerves), Trigeminal Neuralgia, Migraine, Arthritis, Knee, Ankle, Wrist